How can one de-stress during stressful times? Without a doubt, the 2020-2021 school year stands out compared to the past years. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought multiple new problems to students, parents, educators and many more. With the presence of these new stresses, most people are left struggling to remain tranquil during the school year and feel like there is no time to relax. Despite the uncertainty and pressure individuals may feel, the first step to unwinding is to just breathe.

There are no ways to completely eliminate stress, but there are ways to cope with it. A large cause of stress can be from feeling fatigue. Proper rest is important for mental and physical health because it allows the body to reset for the next day. Trying to tackle on the new day with a small amount of sleep slows down one’s thought process and affects the quality of their mental state. Turning off your phone and going to bed, rather than staying up all night scrolling through Instagram, can improve your mood tremendously.

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